Wilson Foundation Scholarship
Become a Wilson Scholar
The major reason the Wanda and Janice Wilson Foundations exists is to provide educational opportunities for deserving young people to further their educational journey and each of the students that we are fortunate enough to invest in become Wilson Scholars. These young people become like family to us. They receive love, mentoring and in turn they are taught to pay it forward so that the next generation of Wilson Scholars can receive the same opportunities for success.​
It is a cycle of support that we pray will develop generations of future leaders.

Scholarship Requirements
Read the scholarship requirements below then download or complete the application​
In order to complete the scholarship application process, you will need to submit the following documents in addition to the downloaded application.
A High School Transcript
Recent Photograph
Two Letters of Recommendation (educator and a community person)
Biographical sketch (including inspirations and career aspirations)
An Essay of at least 500 words on 1 of the following topics
What are some practices you would suggest to combat childhood obesity in your culture? Why do you think it is an issue?
If you had the opportunity to spend the day with someone from African-American history, who would it be and why?
Who speaks for your generation TODAY and what are they saying? If your answer is ‘no one’ then what would YOU say about your generation?
What three things would you recommend changing about our educational system to improve it for FUTURE students? Why?
A copy of College/ Vocational School Acceptance Letter
The above information must be POSTMARKED no later than March 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM est.
Email Completed Applications wandaandjanicewilson@gmail.com